To read/write binary files, I am using DataInputStream/DataOutputStream, they have this method writeByte()/readByte(), but what I want to do is read/write bits? Is it possible?
I want to use it for a compression algorithm, so when I am compressing I want to write 3 bits(for one number and there are millions of such numbers in a file) and if I write a byte at everytime I need to write 3 bits, I will write loads of redundant data...
There's no way to do it directly. The smallest unit computers can handle is a byte (even booleans take up a byte). However you can create a custom stream class that packs a byte with the bits you want then writes it. You can then make a wrapper for this class who's write function takes some integral type, checks that it's between 0 and 7 (or -4 and 3 ... or whatever), extracts the bits in the same way the BitInputStream class (below) does, and makes the corresponding calls to the BitOutputStream's write method. You might be thinking that you could just make one set of IO stream classes, but 3 doesn't go into 8 evenly. So if you want optimum storage efficiency and you don't want to work really hard you're kind of stuck with two layers of abstraction. Below is a BitOutputStream class, a corresponding BitInputStream class, and a program that makes sure they work.
I'm sure there's a way to pack the int with bit-wise operators and thus avoid having to reverse the input, but I don't what to think that hard.
Also, you probably noticed that there is no local way to detect that the last bit has been read in this implementation, but I really don't want to think that hard.
You probably know this, but you should put a BufferedStream in between your BitStream and FileStream or it'll take forever.
The below code should work
It's not possible to read/write individual bits directly, the smallest unit you can read/write is a byte.
You can use the standard bitwise operators to manipulate a byte though, so e.g. to get the lowest 2 bits of a byte, you'd do
set the low 4 bits to 1, and write the byte:
(Note, for the sake of efficiency you might want to read/write byte arrays and not single bytes)
Yes and no. On most modern computers, a byte is the smallest addressable unit of memory, so you can only read/write entire bytes at a time. However, you can always use bitwise operators to manipulate the bits within a byte.
Bits are packaged in bytes and apart from VHDL/Verilog I have seen no language that allows you to append individual bits to a stream. Cache up your bits and pack them into a byte for a write using a buffer and bitmasking. Do the reverse for read, i.e. keep a pointer in your buffer and increment it as you return individually masked bits.
InputStreams and OutputStreams are streams of bytes.
To read a bit you'll need to read a byte and then use bit manipulation to inspect the bits you care about. Likewise, to write bits you'll need to write bytes containing the bits you want.