I've created Facebook page. I have no application secret and no access token.
I want to post to this page from my .NET desktop application. How can I do it? Can anyone help please, where can I get access token for this?
Should I create a new Facebook Application? If yes, how can I grant permissions to this application to post on page's wall?
UPD1: I have no website. I need to post company's news from .NET desktop application to company's Facebook page. All I have is Login/Password for Facebook Page Account.
UPD2: I've created Facebook Application. With AppID/SecretKey. I can get access token. But... How can I grant permissions to post to page's wall?
(OAuthException) (#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action
Possibly the easiest way to do this is via Facebook PowerShell Module, http://facebookpsmodule.codeplex.com. This allows the same sort of operations as FacebookSDK, but via an IT-Admin scripting interface rather than a developer-oriented interface.
AFAIK there is still a limitation of Facebook Graph API that you will not be able to post references to other pages (e.g. @Microsoft) using the Facebook Graph API. This will apply to FacebookSDK, FacebookPSModule, and anything else built over Facebook Graph API.