I am adding multiple rows to a string grid from a CSV file @ runtime, However the StringGrid seems to flicker lots when it is being upadated, I presumed there would be a beginupadate / Endupdate command to stop this. However I cannot find it. Is there another way to stop the flicker when the grid id being updated.
These are methods of the `TStrings` object. Use StringGrid1.Rows[i]/Cols[i].BeginUpdate; ... StringGrid1.Rows[i]/Cols[i].EndUpdate;Update
Have you tried to set
DoubleBuffered := true
?Better late than never... I use
. For example:You can use the Windows function LockWindowUpdate(AHandle) to prevent the refresh of the control and then LockWindowUpdate(0) to repaint it.
As the handle pass the Grid.Handle.
Yes, there is no BeginUpdate/EndUpdate in TStringgrid, but there is per row or per col: