I was hoping to upgrade to F# 3.0 but I can't find either a packaged F# 3.0 compiler on Microsoft site, nor if there is an express version to use. Is it possible to install F# 3.0 for use from the command line or a simple IDE and if so, how?
- F#: Storing and mapping a list of functions
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I have successfully make a standalone F# 3.0 works without Visual Studio 2012.
f# 3.0 registry.rar
if you don't know how to export the registry items, please download this file and use powershell to import all this .reg file.
PowerShell script: (put the .reg files into c:\xxx suppossedly )
The standalone version of F# is not available yet, but F# tools for Visual Studio Express have been released just 2 days ago, so you can get F# 3.0 for free.
As far as I know, there are definitely plans for open-source release (that can be integrated with MonoDevelop) and it would make sense to have a stand-alone installer too (otherwise you could still just compile the open-source release), but I don't think there are specific dates for that.
The easiest way I've got it to run: http://www.heartysoft.com/build-fsharp-3-on-build-server-without-vs
Essentially using the direct download link on the Web PI tools.
I'm assuming most of you seeking an answer to this question by now probably wouldn't mind the most recent version, which is 4.0. You can download this as a standalone at F# 4.0 . This does not include the supporting assemblies and will fail by itself. So you'll also have to download and install the Microsoft Build Tools 2015 . Should be all set to go from there, no installing the mega-massive visual studio. Of course if you need an IDE you'll need to seek out a free one.
There is not currently a standalone version of F# 3.0. However, one has been promised
You can use Nuget CLI to install the F# Compiler Tools without relying on Visual Studio. As a plus, this procedure does not require admin rights.