I am completely new to Firebase analytics. I am trying to send an event which shows statistics about my API call.
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
// [START event]
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString(FirebaseConstants.PHONE_NUMBER, Utility.getPhone());
params.putLong(FirebaseConstants.DURATION, endTime);
.logEvent(FirebaseConstants.BALANCE_CHECK, params);
// [END event]
But I only see the name of the event, number of users and occurrence count. 24 hours have already passed and I don't see my custom properties. For reference, I want to see a phone number(Utility.getPhone()) and the time which API call takes(endtime). Maybe it is possible that it does not send anything because I created custom params in my FirebaseConstans class
I have contacted firebase support and got response:
The thing is, data will be populated only with events coming AFTER creating new audience, you won't get data collected until that moment, which is something I would expect to be the case...
Edit: from firebase support personel
[Update, May 2017]
As of May 2017, custom parameter reporting is now supported in Google Analytics for Firebase. Please refer to this help center article for more details.
your custom data and parameters will be available as soon as your audience reach 10 or more, that is a privacy restriction. so just use it in your activity as:
it will work (after some time (max 24 hrs) you can see some_name as event in your event view but some_key will be available when audience is 10 or more).
As of https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/7397304?hl=en&ref_topic=6317489, you need to register your parameters before they can be shown
According to documentation, you have to link with BigQuery to see custom parameters:
Source: https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/android/events#log_events
From https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/android/events#log_events
Custom parameters: Custom parameters are not represented directly in your Analytics reports, but they can be used as filters in audience definitions that can be applied to every report.