I came across this problem since I wanted to accept any color value and be able to add an opacity, so I made this quick jQuery plugin that uses the native canvas on modern browsers. Seems to work just great.
Turns out I can't figure out how to make it a proper jQuery plugin, so I'll just present it as a regular function.
//accepts any value like '#ffffff', 'rgba(255,255,255,1)', 'hsl(0,100%,100%)', or 'white'
function toRGBA( c ) {
can = document.createElement( 'canvas' ),
ctx = can.getContext( '2d' );
can.width = can.height = 1;
ctx.fillStyle = c;
console.log( ctx.fillStyle ); //always css 6 digit hex color string, e.g. '#ffffff'
ctx.fillRect( 0, 0, 1, 1 ); //paint the canvas
img = ctx.getImageData( 0, 0, 1, 1 ),
data = img.data,
rgba = {
r: data[ 0 ], //0-255 red
g: data[ 1 ], //0-255 green
b: data[ 2 ], //0-255 blue
a: data[ 3 ] //0-255 opacity (0 being transparent, 255 being opaque)
return rgba;
A total different approach to convert hex color code to RGB without regex
It handles both #FFF and #FFFFFF format on the base of length of string. It removes # from beginning of string and divides each character of string and converts it to base10 and add it to respective index on the base of it's position.
//Algorithm of hex to rgb conversion in ES5
function hex2rgbSimple(str){
str = str.replace('#', '');
return str.split('').reduce(function(result, char, index, array){
var j = parseInt(index * 3/array.length);
var number = parseInt(char, 16);
result[j] = (array.length == 3? number : result[j]) * 16 + number;
return result;
//Same code in ES6
hex2rgb = str => str.replace('#','').split('').reduce((r,c,i,{length: l},j,n)=>(j=parseInt(i*3/l),n=parseInt(c,16),r[j]=(l==3?n:r[j])*16+n,r),[0,0,0]);
//hex to RGBA conversion
hex2rgba = (str, a) => str.replace('#','').split('').reduce((r,c,i,{length: l},j,n)=>(j=parseInt(i*3/l),n=parseInt(c,16),r[j]=(l==3?n:r[j])*16+n,r),[0,0,0,a||1]);
//hex to standard RGB conversion
hex2rgbStandard = str => `RGB(${str.replace('#','').split('').reduce((r,c,i,{length: l},j,n)=>(j=parseInt(i*3/l),n=parseInt(c,16),r[j]=(l==3?n:r[j])*16+n,r),[0,0,0]).join(',')})`;
console.log(hex2rgba('#abc', 0.7));
This could be used for getting colors from computed style propeties:
i needed a function that accepts invalid values too like
rgb(-255, 255, 255) rgb(510, 255, 255)
this is a spin off of @cwolves answer
I came across this problem since I wanted to accept any color value and be able to add an opacity, so I made this quick jQuery plugin that uses the native canvas on modern browsers. Seems to work just great.
Turns out I can't figure out how to make it a proper jQuery plugin, so I'll just present it as a regular function.
I'm working with XAML data that has a hex format of #AARRGGBB (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue). Using the answers above, here's my solution:
A total different approach to convert hex color code to RGB without regex
It handles both
format on the base of length of string. It removes#
from beginning of string and divides each character of string and converts it to base10 and add it to respective index on the base of it's position.