Since I use Xcode 5 and the new iOS 7 simulator to run UIAutomation tests with Instruments, dragInsideWithOptions
and dragFromToForDuration
functions have simply no effect. (The same tests worked fine with iOS 6.1 simulator.) Is this a known bug, or the usability of this functions has changed? Is there anyone who could use this function with iOS 7 simulator on iPad?
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This is a bit old but it seems that
is still not working.For a
these methods can be used:Source:
Hope it helps!
A workaround: if you want to swipe scroll views containing a button on a later page, just simply tap this (invisible) button, it "scrolls to visible" automatic. (Or call this invisible element's
function.)Another workaround: If you have a page control associated with your scroll view, use:
same issue here.
More than that, the documentation is missing for new iOS7 for everything related to UI Automation
Compare it with current doc, with full method list and description.
Same issue here. In addition to dragInsideWithOptions not working, dragFromToForDuration and flickFromTo aren't working either in Xcode 5 with iOS 7. I have been searching and waiting for a solution as well. Until then, swiping won't be possible.