I am populating contact list details to list view successfully. My code:
String order = ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DISPLAY_NAME + " ASC";
Cursor curLog = getContentResolver().query(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI, null,null,null,order);
How can I avoid the duplicate data In List view as the contact details is repeating if its joined contact i.e. joined with both phone and Google?. The screen is like
I want to select programmatically only 1 name not the both? Any Idea how I can select?
I have used a rough way to avoid this problem which helped me so much and working nicely.
Use local database (SQLite) to avoid duplicate data by make phone number to unique.
I have made one SQLite DB to handle this problem:
is just a getter/setter class to handle contact entities.First I inserted all Contact information once in my MainActivity by the help of a background thread. It prevents to insert the contact info multiple times.
Something like:
At last I gtt all contact information inside an Asynctask(doInbackground()) and put in adapter/listview in its onPostExecute() method in the class I want to show.
Its because the listview is showing both normal contacts as well as whatsapp( or like this) linked contacts. Best is to store all the contacts in a Database and then retrieve the contacts using "select distinct..." command of SQL.
You need to retrieve the data from the Cursor to HashSet (which don't allows duplicate itmes) and then pass the HashSet object to your ListView's Adapter
This is a dump solution but it will help you:
Good luck..
I believe this may happen if the contact number is stored in two different ways/formats: for example in your case the number for Akshay may be saved as 982-0123456 and 9820123456
Did you try displaying the number along with the Name by including the Number as well in the list view?
Since you're querying
, I'm assuming you're looking for contacts with phone number.. then you can useContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI