In most of the online resource I can find usually show me how to retrieve this information in VBA. Is there any direct way to get this information in a cell?
For example as simple as =ENVIRON('User')
(which did not work)
In most of the online resource I can find usually show me how to retrieve this information in VBA. Is there any direct way to get this information in a cell?
For example as simple as =ENVIRON('User')
(which did not work)
if you don't want to create a UDF in VBA or you can't, this could be an alternative.
this will give you the full file name, and from this you could get the user name with something like this:=Mid(A1,Find("\",A1,4)+1;Find("\";A1;Find("\";A1;4))-2)
This Formula runs only from a workbook saved earlier.
You must start from 4th position because of the first slash from the drive.
Without VBA macro, you can use this tips to get the username from the path :
Based on the instructions at the link below, do the following.
In VBA insert a new module and paste in this code:
Call the function using the formula:
Based on instructions at:
Example: to view the Windows User Name on Cell C5, you can use this script :
The simplest way is to create a VBA macro that wraps that function, like so:
Then call it from the cell:
See this article for more details, and other ways.
This displays the name of the current user:
The property
holds the name entered with the installation of MS Office.Enter this formula in a cell: