I need to deploy a laravel 5 project to a client host.
The plan of my client is basic hosting: Linux + MySql without cpanel or similar (i.e. no admin panel).
I have access only via ftp and only to a folder named www.mycustomerweb.com. It means I can not create a directory at the same level of www.mycustomerweb.com folder. Only inside it (I think it is called shared hosting).
One year ago, I deployed a project made with Laravel 4 this way:
- got rid of public folder moving its content to root folder and updating index.php and bootstrap.php
- finished whole project in localhost (with Xampp)
- uploaded all files to www.myclientweb.com via ftp.
My questions are:
Did I do everything all right with laravel 4 project? May I have fallen into security issues (I mean, is the site safe)?
How do I deploy a laravel 5 project to the same site? In Laravel 5 I can not get rid of public folder as I did with Laravel 4.
Right now, I have set up a fresh installation of Laravel 5 on localhost and then I have uploaded all files to www.myclientweb.com folder via ftp:
- I can see wellcoming page of laravel at http://www.myclientweb.com/public.
- I can not see anything at http://www.myclientweb.com/
- And also I CAN SEE .env CONTENT AT http://www.myclientweb.com/.env ???????
Surely this is not the right way...
I've had a long searching through the web and Stackoverflow with no luck.
Really apprecite any help.
Thanks for reading.
There is no difference between L4 and L5, so do the same thing you did for L4.
require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';
intorequire __DIR__.'/protected/bootstrap/autoload.php';
also edit
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';
into$app = require_once __DIR__.'/protected/bootstrap/app.php';
This is a risky process. By using this, you give malicious users permissions to find bugs. like, http://project-url/storage/logs/laravel.log is still open.
Previous Answer:
Those who hardly check the comments, @Andrew F. has already given the answer.
but he missed some other files like composer and package.
Formatted answer is:
If you are trying to run Laravel 5.1 into a shared hosting space or you are trying to put your laravel 5/5.1 into a sub directory on your shared hosting so you can access it like this:
So this answer is for you, first of all make sure you meet
Laravel 5.1 requirements :
Here two tutorials for you :
Link 1
Link 2