I'm trying to write a BMI program in swift language. And I got this problem: how to convert a String to a Double?
In Objective-C, I can do like this:
double myDouble = [myString doubleValue];
But how can I achieve this in Swift language?
I'm trying to write a BMI program in swift language. And I got this problem: how to convert a String to a Double?
In Objective-C, I can do like this:
double myDouble = [myString doubleValue];
But how can I achieve this in Swift language?
Extension with optional locale
Swift 2.2
Swift 3.1
my problem was comma so i solve it this way:
we can use CDouble value which will be obtained by myString.doubleValue
In Swift 2.0 the best way is to avoid thinking like an Objective-C developer. So you should not "convert a String to a Double" but you should "initialize a Double from a String". Apple doc over here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios//documentation/Swift/Reference/Swift_Double_Structure/index.html#//apple_ref/swift/structctr/Double/s:FSdcFMSdFSSGSqSd_
It's an optional init so you can use the nil coalescing operator (??) to set a default value. Example:
Swift 4
Another option here is converting this to an
and using that: