Missing ADO.NET entity data model template from Visual Studio 2012 Professional. I don't even have "Data" category from Visual Studio template category.
I modified the Visual Studio 2012 installation, and selected all the available packages to install. But even then no luck.
Firstly you can add ClassLibrary in your Solution. Then, Add New Item to ClassLibrary and you can add Data>ADO.NET Entity Data Model
Close Visual Studio and then install "Entity Framework Tools for Visual Studio" from this location:
I do it and I got the result.
You can also download this tool from here.
Press right click on an existing project
select "add" -> "New Item..."
Under "data" node you can select the "ADO.NET Entity Data Model"
Here I found the solution
I found the EFTools.msi file in my packages folder, and run it then choose uninstall then run it again and choose install. After this reinstall, the template appeared.
I did a search in C:\ProgramData\Package Cache for "eftools.msi"
There were three versions (from different beta/RCs I guess)
I picked the most recent and installed it.
This solved the problem for me.