I want to create "UrlPaths.plist" file in my Application and also a dictionary with 4 or 5 objects. Please help me create a plist file and dictionary. And also read data from that plist file.
I want the plist to add the file to resources folder and i want to add Dictionary at that time also.i dont want pragmatical creation of plist but i want reading the data is pragmatically.
If you are about to create Plist without programmatically then follow these steps :
This gets added to your project.
We can get simple understanding about plist as below
Now you can read this data as below
create new plist file -
Read data from this plist file -
you should read this great tut on plist files - http://www.edumobile.org/iphone/iphone-programming-tutorials/how-to-use-plist-in-iphone/