@model OsosYeni23072012.Models.TblMeters
public ActionResult MeterInfoPartial(string meter_id)
int _meter_id = Int32.Parse(meter_id);
var _meter = entity.TblMeters.Where(x => x.sno == _meter_id).FirstOrDefault();
return PartialView("MeterInfoPartial", _meter);
@Html.DropDownList("sno", new SelectList(Model, "sno", "meter_name"), "-- Select Meter --", new { id = "meters"})
I want to load partial view, if dropdownlist change. But I dont know How can I do this. I cant find any example about this. I do this with actionlink. But I did not with dropdown before.
controller parameter meter_id
equals dropdownlist selectedvalue.
You could subscribe to the
event of the dropdown and then trigger an AJAX request:and then you would wrap the partial with a div given an id:
Also why are you parsing in your controller action, leave this to the model binder:
Be careful with
because if it doesn't find a matching record in your database given themeter_id
it will returnnull
and your partial will crash when you attempt to access the model.