I am trying to run Xcode 6.4 on El Capitan and I can run with the instructions on this post.
But I am looking for a way to run it without any external program as I ran before with OSX 10.10 (Yosemite).
I found this post that point to this instructions but it does not work. These are the instructions
- Open this file /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/Exception.plist
- Find lines with name xcode in them (http://i.imgur.com/tcKWLhz.png)
- Edit value HardDisabled from YES to NO
Save and reboot
1.a) If you can't save because file says it's locked then enable rootless mode (sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1 rootless 0" or sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1 rootless=0") and reboot.
1.b) If you still have problem, copy Exceptions.plist to Desktop (or wherever else) and edit it them.
1.c) Save it and them remove Exceptions.plist in System (sudo rm -rf /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/Exceptions.plist)
1.d) Copy file from Desktop (or wherever else) to /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources and reboot.
I couldn't edit the Exceptions.plist file with the instructions above, but after a lot of tries I found the way to edit it.
Here you can find the instructions to edit it.
After all of this, I still receiving the message
You can't open the application "XCode.app" because it is not supported on this type of Mac
when I try to run Xcode 6.4 from Finder
The only thing I didn't do was to reinstall XCode 6.4 after the changes. I reinstalled it and it works!
Dave Wood provided another solution to avoid to reinstall XCode. This is is post and as he posted in his answer the script is here
User lembacon here found the solution:
I confirm that this solution is working with Xcode 6.4.
Xcode 6.4 runs out-of-the-box on:
Xcode 6.4 fails to open on:
El Capitan Beta 6 (build 15A244d) - Workaround here
There are two places in Exceptions.plist which list Xcode. The one you don't have listed is:
It is necessary to re-install Xcode afterwards.
Here's a shell script that tweaks Xcode 6 and resigns so you can just run it normally. No need to mess with the system exception list, reinstall or anything. Just takes a minute or so to run.
Script is here: http://bit.ly/Xcode6OnElCapitan
Note: you can not submit apps built on El Capitan while it's still in Beta.
In addition to the original first answer if you dont want to reinstall xcode again because of slow internet connection you can just copy xcode to desktop delete the one in application folder (Assuming you did all the required steps above except reinstalling). And move back xcode to application folder(while copying to desktop itself if you did above step right you will notice the cut icon will dissapear after copying)