Given an array of two numbers, let them define the start and end of a range of numbers. For example, [2,6]
means the range 2,3,4,5,6. I want to write javascript code to find the least common multiple for the range. My code below works for small ranges only, not something like [1,13]
(which is the range 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13), which causes a stack overflow. How can I efficiently find the least common multiple of a range?
function leastCommonMultiple(arr) {
var minn, max;
if ( arr[0] > arr[1] ) {
minn = arr[1];
max = arr[0];
} else {
minn = arr[0];
max = arr[1];
function repeatRecurse(min, max, scm) {
if ( scm % min === 0 && min < max ) {
return repeatRecurse(min+1, max, scm);
} else if ( scm % min !== 0 && min < max ) {
return repeatRecurse(minn, max, scm+max);
return scm;
return repeatRecurse(minn, max, max);
LCM function for a range [a, b]
console.log( leastCommonMultiple([1, 13]) )
How about:
Mine is not as fancy as the other answers but I think it is easy to read.
Edit: Turned answer into snippet.