Somebody has already asked my question about detecting SVG support in browsers but there are three leading solutions and not a lot of discussion about the merits of each.
So: which, if any, is best? In terms of portability and correctness, that is. False negatives (i.e. "no svg") are undesirable, but acceptable; false positives are not.
Exhibit A:
var testImg = '%3D';
var img = document.createElement('img')
return img.complete;
Exhibit B:
return document.implementation.hasFeature(
"", "1.1");
Exhibit C:
return !! document.createElementNS &&
!! document.createElementNS (
Currently, Modernizr uses approach B to detect for support for SVGs in
tags, and approach C to detect for support for SVGs in<embed>
tags. It seems it used to use an approach that was more like A for detecting for "SVG as img" support, but that was dropped in favour of B (for more detail, see this post on CSS-tricks).Consequently, it seems that at the moment, either B or C would be the best approach, depending on what exactly you want to test for.
I would probably use modernizr.
No need to include the entire Modernizr library for this. Here's a simple check that I've I've used in the past:
This quite simply checks for support of the
object which is defined in the SVG Specification. In Chrometypeof SVGRect
and in IE9 it's"object"
, but in browsers which do not support SVG (IE8, for instance) this returns"undefined"
.With the above code, you can simply: