I am taking the current time, in UTC, and putting it in nanaoseconds and then I need to take the nanoseconds and go back to a date in local time. I am able to do get the time to nanoseconds and then back to a date string but the time gets convoluted when I go from a string to date.
//Date to milliseconds
func currentTimeInMiliseconds() -> Int! {
let currentDate = NSDate()
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = format
dateFormatter.timeZone = NSTimeZone(name: "UTC") as TimeZone!
let date = dateFormatter.date(from: dateFormatter.string(from: currentDate as Date))
let nowDouble = date!.timeIntervalSince1970
return Int(nowDouble*1000)
//Milliseconds to date
extension Int {
func dateFromMilliseconds(format:String) -> Date {
let date : NSDate! = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970:Double(self) / 1000.0)
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = format
dateFormatter.timeZone = TimeZone.current
let timeStamp = dateFormatter.string(from: date as Date)
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = format
return ( formatter.date( from: timeStamp ) )!
//The timestamp is correct but the date returned isn't
Watch out if you are going to compare dates after the conversion!
For instance, I got simulator's asset with date as TimeInterval(366144731.9), converted to milliseconds Int64(1344451931900) and back to TimeInterval(366144731.9000001), using
I tried to fetch the asset by creationDate and it doesn't find the asset, as you could figure, the numbers are not the same.
I tried multiple solutions to reduce double's decimal precision, like round(interval*1000)/1000, use NSDecimalNumber, etc... with no success.
I ended up fetching by interval -1 < creationDate < interval + 1, instead of creationDate == Interval.
There may be a better solution!?
I removed seemingly useless conversion via string and all those random
.I don't understand why you're doing anything with strings...
As @Travis Solution works but in some cases
var millisecondsSince1970:Int
Here is Updated Answer
Hope it is helpful to someone who also has same problem
About Int definitions.
Generally, I encounter this problem in
iPhone 5
, which runs in 32-bit env. New devices run 64-bit env now. TheirInt
will beInt64
.@Travis solution is right, but it loses milliseconds when a Date is generated. I have added a line to include the milliseconds into the date:
If you don't need this precision, use the Travis solution because it will be faster.