I have a mailto link on a page. It works as expected when the page is loaded by itself.
However when the page is loaded via a frameset in Chrome nothing happens. With the developer tools loaded the error "[blocked] The page at https://mysite.com ran insecure content from mailto:..."
is displayed.
How can I fix/workaround this?
Yes, using "top" is the trick, but you can do it with HTML alone!
Here is the solution I ended up with: Tested with Chrome, Firefox, IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Safari
This will also work, and wont close the window with facebook....
add target="_top" or "_blank" or "_parent"
<a target="_top" href="mailto:a@b.c">email1</a>
<a target="_top" href="mailto:a@b.c">email2</a>
This is my workaround until Chrome bug is fixed:
For Chrome, make instance with window.open() method and close that instance immediately. Small window will "blink" for a short period but will do the job. It is "dirty" solution but as much as Chrome's bug.
For other browsers window.location() method can be used.
Possibly because your parent frameset is https, but Chrome now seems to treat the mailto link as insecure.
I just came across a similar issue when triggering a mailto link via
Changing it to this worked around it.