How can I find out when a file was created using java, as I wish to delete files older than a certain time period, currently I am deleting all files in a directory, but this is not ideal:
public void DeleteFiles() {
File file = new File("D:/Documents/NetBeansProjects/printing~subversion/fileupload/web/resources/pdf/");
System.out.println("Called deleteFiles");
File file2 = new File("D:/Documents/NetBeansProjects/printing~subversion/fileupload/Uploaded/");
public void DeleteFiles(File file) {
System.out.println("Now will search folders and delete files,");
if (file.isDirectory()) {
for (File f : file.listFiles()) {
} else {
Above is my current code, I am trying now to add an if statement in that will only delete files older than say a week.
public class Delete {
public void DeleteFiles() {
File file = new File("D:/Documents/NetBeansProjects/printing~subversion/fileupload/web/resources/pdf/");
System.out.println("Called deleteFiles");
File file2 = new File("D:/Documents/NetBeansProjects/printing~subversion/fileupload/Uploaded/");
public void DeleteFiles(File file) {
System.out.println("Now will search folders and delete files,");
if (file.isDirectory()) {
System.out.println("Date Modified : " + file.lastModified());
for (File f : file.listFiles()) {
} else {
Adding a loop now.
I have noticed while testing the code above I get the last modified in :
INFO: Date Modified : 1361635382096
How should I code the if loop to say if it is older than 7 days delete it when it is in the above format?
You can get the creation date of the file using NIO, following is the way:
More about it can be found here :
Another approach with Apache commons-io and joda:
Using Java NIO Files with lambdas & Commons IO
List all found files and directories:
Or delete found files with FileUtils:
Using Apache commons-io and joda:
Here's Java 8 version using Time API. It's been tested and used in our project:
Commons IO has built-in support for filtering files by age with its AgeFileFilter. Your
could just look like this:Update: To use the value as given in your edit, define the