This question has appeared in similar forms here and here, but they don't seem to match up with what I'm looking for.
I'm making a project in StaticMatic, a Ruby static site generator. Basically, it's just a src/ directory with Haml templates, Sass, and CoffeeScript. StaticMatic provides a development server to keep compiling these into a static site, as well as a build command that generates the static site in build/.
My modification to StaticMatic is to allow the addition of src/_modules/foo/, which might contain src/_modules/foo/bar.haml. When running the server or building the site, a symlink would be created at src/bar.haml which points to the file in foo/.
So far so good. (Conflicts are handled, etc.)
The reasoning behind separate directories in _modules/ is that they could be tracked as git submodules and checked out independently by other teams. Essentially, this allows multiple teams to work on different pages (actually JS apps) in one static site without duplicating the main layout and such.
The hitch is that git wants to think of these symlinks as files. For instance, git status
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be commited)
# src/_modules/bar/foo.haml
# src/foo.haml
...when I really just want it to show src/_modules/bar/foo.haml
and to ignore src/foo.haml
One approach would be to have my link-generating code append the links to .gitignore, but messing with .gitignore programmatically strikes me as prone to error. (Perhaps this concern isn't reasonable?)
My ideal fix would be something like:
[filetype = link] .gitignore. As far as I know nothing like this is possible, or is it?
My solution might seem silly, but I'd rather do this than update the .gitignore file every time a new file is added.
I merely leave the links with a default name like "link to xxx" and then add the following line to my .gitignore file:
Then you just ensure you do not name any other files/folders with a name starting with "link to " and you're sorted.