I am connecting different devices with wifi hotspot AP programatically in my android app, How can i detect the clients being connected and disconnected and to the wifi hotspot AP Programmatically ? Is there any callback event in Android API to give information regarding the connection or disconnection events of individual devices ? Thanks in advance.
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you can use BroadcastReciever "android.net.wifi.WIFI_HOTSPOT_CLIENTS_CHANGED" to detect client connection. In your AndroidManifest:
and in your activity
Unfortunately there is no public API to give information about this... But you can read /proc/net/arp file and see the clients connected to your Access Point.
/proc/net/arp file have 6 fields: IP address, HW type, Flags, HW address, Mask and Device
The problem is when a client get disconnected, because it doesn't disappear from the file. A solution may be to do ping to every client and wait for response, but for me this isn't a good solution because some clients don't respond to ping. If you like this solution check this project on GitHub --> https://github.com/nickrussler/Android-Wifi-Hotspot-Manager-Class/tree/master/src/com/whitebyte
What i have did is: read /proc/net/arp and check the FLAGS field, when the value is 0x2 the station is connected and 0x0 is disconnected, but to refresh this field I need to clear ARP cache from time to time, and i did it with this command: ip neigh flush all
I hope i helped you
This method works for me but this is detecting only version 4.0 and above; it is not able to find the devices with version 2.2 or 2.3 which is connected with hotspot.