I want limit resource access in children processes. For example - limit http downloads, disk io, etc.. How can I achieve it expanding this basic code?
Please share some basic code examples.
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count())
while job_queue.is_jobs_for_processing():
for job in job_queue.pull_jobs_for_processing:
pool.apply_async(do_job, callback = callback)
Use a global semaphore and aquire it if you are accessing a resource. For example:
This program finishes only two jobs every second because the other threads are waiting for the semaphore.
Use the initializer and initargs arguments when creating a pool so as to define a global in all the child processes.
For instance:
This code will print out the numbers 0-3 in ascending order (the order in which the jobs were submitted), because it uses the lock. Comment out the
with lock:
line to see it print out the numbers in descending order.This solution works both on windows and unix. However, because processes can fork on unix systems, unix only need to declare global variables at the module scope. The child process gets a copy of the parent's memory, which includes the lock object which still works. Thus the initializer isn't strictly needed, but it can help document how the code is intended to work. When multiprocessing is able to create processes by forking, then the following also works.