I am trying to build a file management system in Laravel based on league/flysystem: https://github.com/thephpleague/flysystem
I am using the S3 adapter and I have it working to save the uploaded files using:
$filesystem->write('filename.txt', 'contents');
Now I am stuck on generating the download file URL when using the S3 adapter.
The files are saved correctly in the S3 bucket, I have permissions to access them, I just don't know how to get to the S3 getObjectUrl method through the league/flysystem package.
I have tried:
$contents = $filesystem->read('filename.txt');
but that returns the content of the file.
$contents = $filemanager->listContents();
$paths = $filemanager->listPaths();
but they give me the relative paths to my files.
What I need is something like "ht...//[s3-region].amazonaws.com/[bucket]/[dir]/[file]..."
Another form of Storage::cloud():
When updating to Laravel 5.1 this method no longer supported by the adapter. No in your config you must have the S3_REGION set or you will get a invalid hostname error and secondly I had to use the command as input to create the presignedRequest.
Maybe I'm a little late to this question, but here's a way to use Laravel 5's built-in Filesystem.
I created a Manager class that extends Laravel's FilesystemManager to handle the public url retrieval:
Then, I added this class to the AppServiceProvider under the register method so it has access to the current app instance:
Finally, for easy static access, I created a Facade class:
Now, I can easily get the public url for my public objects on my local and s3 filesystems (note that I didn't add anything for ftp or rackspace in the FilesystemPublicUrlManager):
I'm not sure what the correct way of doing this is with Flysystem, but the underlying
object has a method for doing that. You could do$filesystem->getAdapter()->getClient()->getObjectUrl($bucket, $key);
. Of course, building the URL is as trivial as you described, so you don't really need a special method to do it.I am using Laravel 5.2 and the code below seemed to work fine.