Is there Node.js ready-to-use tool (installed with npm
), that would help me expose folder content as file server over HTTP.
Example, if I have
Then starting in D:\Folder\
node node-file-server.js
I could access file via
Why is my node static file server dropping requests? reference some mystical
standard node.js static file server
If there's no such tool, what framework should I use?
Related: Basic static file server in NodeJS
A simple Static-Server using connect
See also Using node.js as a simple web server
You also asked why requests are dropping - not sure what's the specific reason on your case, but in overall you better server static content using dedicated middleware (nginx, S3, CDN) because Node is really not optimized for this networking pattern. See further explanation here (bullet 13):
A good "ready-to-use tool" option could be http-server:
To use it:
Or, like this:
Check it out:
If you do not want to use ready tool, you can use the code below, as demonstrated by me at
UPDATE If you need to access your server from external demand/file, you need to overcome the CORS, in your node.js file by writing the below, as I mentioned in a previous answer here
As Adrian mentioned, in the comments, he wrote an ES6 code with full explanation here, I just re-posting his code below, in case the code gone from the original site for any reason:
Install express using npm:
Create a file named server.js at the same level of your index.html with this content:
If you wish to put it in a different location, set the path on the third line:
CD to the folder containing your file and run node from the console with this command:
Browse to localhost:8080
If you use the Express framework, this functionality comes ready to go.
To setup a simple file serving app just do this: