I am trying to use a boost library inside my android application, using the NDK. I have found a couple of success stories here and here, but I can't say the same about me. I am specifically trying to use the library in this link, as well as the boost thread library. In the code below, I am only trying to include the thread library, not the math library. The process I used to build the boost libraries is pretty much the same as the first link I attached.
So far, it seems I have successfully built the boost libraries, but when I run ndk-build
, I get the following error:
Prebuilt : libboost_thread.a <= <NDK>/sources/
cp: omitting directory `path/to/ndk/sources/boost'
make: *** [obj/local/armeabi/libboost_thread.a] Error 1
Obviously the cp: omitting directory...
is not exactly an error. But the only thing I'm getting other than that is the next line, which doesn't really mean anything. Error 1
Here's my Android.mk file:
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_LDLIBS := lboost_system-gcc-md lboost_thread-gcc-md -lgnustl_static
LOCAL_LDLIBS += lboost_system-gcc-md lboost_thread-gcc-md \
-L$(NDK_ROOT)/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/libs/armeabi \
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := #cpp_sources
LOCAL_MODULE := com_example_ndkFile_CppMethods
$(call import-module,boost)
And there's also an Android.mk file in path/to/ndk/sources/boost/
LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE:= boost_thread
LOCAL_SRC_FILES:= android/lib/libboost_thread.a
And my humble Application.mk file:
APP_ABI := armeabi armeabi-v7a
APP_STL := gnustl_static
APP_CPPFLAGS = -fexceptions
I built the boost libraries using bjam
. All of the libboost_###.a
files are in the sources/boost/android/lib
What is the error I'm getting?
Here: http://silverglint.com/boost-for-android/ you can find a simple script that lets you build a modern (eg 1.67.0) version of boost for android, or simply download prebuilt boost binaries.
Also included is a sample test app that shows you how to include/link the boost headers/binaries
I built the boost libraries using Boost-for-Android. Then I have in my boost/include/lib directory the android makefile boost.mk
and my module where i use some of the boost libraries looks like this
in addition I have an Android.mk where all subdir makefiles are listed
and my Application.mk: