I'm getting
"User is not eligible for this purchase"
message from google play while trying to purchase as a test.
I've uploaded singed apk in google play, published the billing item(in app product), saved the apk as draft, still getting this error.
Also I was trying to purchase from test user device.
This error comes when everything you done is perfect, you have used signed APK with the proper product id, but you have to note that the account that you are using might don't have proper valid credit card details.
So whenever you want to buy any product even with test account, that account should have valid credit details.
You have to specify test account in Edit profile of your publisher account
Licensing & In-app Billing
Test Accounts box
The actual reason for this error:
So if the App is not published, a non test user should get this error while try to purchase.
I realized that, Google play takes time to update the changes in app store. So you can not expect the changes immediately. Rather you should wait, in my case it took average 2/3 hours.
Still there may be some unknown error, which I could not figure.
My Cases:
First I was trying to purchase from my test device still got this error, But after waiting some time I didn't get this error. So I think the time was reason here.
Secondly I was trying from a non test device, which was an unauthorized device as the app was not published.
set in the Manifest must be the same as the one active in Google Play console