I'm getting
"User is not eligible for this purchase"
message from google play while trying to purchase as a test.
I've uploaded singed apk in google play, published the billing item(in app product), saved the apk as draft, still getting this error.
Also I was trying to purchase from test user device.
There is a now an additional situation which can result in the "User is not eligible" message.
It comes down to this recent change in the licensing system:
You can no longer use the old "shared" license key when creating new apps. You must switch the Google play developer console to the "new design" and use the license key for each specific app from that app's Services and APIs section.
If you try to use the old shared key the behavior is as follows:
TL;DR: Make sure you are using the new per-app license key and that you have copied it correctly.
I met this problem and was bothered for one or two day.I delete the test device's gmail and added it again. After then it works.
I had the same issue. I fixed it by uploading apk via "Old Design" of Developer Console. Steps:
lved it. There is some problem in the "New Design" of Developer Console. I deleted the apk and created a new app from "old design" and it worked. Price points(In-App products) got automatically added again as the app package name is exactly the same as old one I deleted.
Also make sured the new public key is used which is app specific now.
Make sure you fill in the @gmail.com address as a licensed test account. Other e-mail addresses associated with your Google account will NOT work.
For the "Unpublisched" app, enter your email account under "Account details" and "Gmail accounts with testing access" in Play Developer Console. Also one need to wait 24 hours.
You must use, only, Test Account for Testing purposes. You can not use market account or others for purchasing your app while Testing.
From Android Docs
The synchronous response for a CHECK_BILLING_SUPPORTED request provides a Bundle with a server response code. A RESULT_OK response code indicates that in-app billing is supported; a RESULT_BILLING_UNAVAILABLE response code indicates that in-app billing is unavailable because the API version you specified is unrecognized or the user is not eligible to make in-app purchases (for example, the user resides in a country that does not allow in-app billing). A SERVER_ERROR can also be returned, indicating that there was a problem with the Google Play server.
see details here