There are plenty of performance questions on this site already, but it occurs to me that almost all are very problem-specific and fairly narrow. And almost all repeat the advice to avoid premature optimization.
Let's assume:
- the code already is working correctly
- the algorithms chosen are already optimal for the circumstances of the problem
- the code has been measured, and the offending routines have been isolated
- all attempts to optimize will also be measured to ensure they do not make matters worse
What I am looking for here is strategies and tricks to squeeze out up to the last few percent in a critical algorithm when there is nothing else left to do but whatever it takes.
Ideally, try to make answers language agnostic, and indicate any down-sides to the suggested strategies where applicable.
I'll add a reply with my own initial suggestions, and look forward to whatever else the Stack Overflow community can think of.
I spend most of my life in just this place. The broad strokes are to run your profiler and get it to record:
liberally to promise the compiler about aliasing.And one more thing I like to do:
The single most important limiting factor today is the limited memory bandwitdh. Multicores are just making this worse, as the bandwidth is shared betwen cores. Also, the limited chip area devoted to implementing caches is also divided among the cores and threads, worsening this problem even more. Finally, the inter-chip signalling needed to keep the different caches coherent also increase with an increased number of cores. This also adds a penalty.
These are the effects that you need to manage. Sometimes through micro managing your code, but sometimes through careful consideration and refactoring.
A lot of comments already mention cache friendly code. There are at least two distinct flavors of this:
The first problem specifically has to do with making your data access patterns more regular, allowing the hardware prefetcher to work efficiently. Avoid dynamic memory allocation which spreads your data objects around in memory. Use linear containers instead of linked lists, hashes and trees.
The second problem has to do with improving data reuse. Alter your algorithms to work on subsets of your data that do fit in available cache, and reuse that data as much as possible while it is still in the cache.
Packing data tighter and making sure you use all data in cache lines in the hot loops, will help avoid these other effects, and allow fitting more useful data in the cache.
Did you know that a CAT6 cable is capable of 10x better shielding off extrenal inteferences than a default Cat5e UTP cable?
For any non-offline projects, while having best software and best hardware, if your throughoutput is weak, then that thin line is going to squeeze data and give you delays, albeit in milliseconds... but if you are talking about the last drops, that's a some drops gained, 24/7 for any packge sent or received.
If better hardware is an option then definitely go for that. Otherwise
Although I like Mike Dunlavey's answer, in fact it is a great answer indeed with supporting example, I think it could be expressed very simply thus:
Find out what takes the largest amounts of time first, and understand why.
It is the identification process of the time hogs that helps you understand where you must refine your algorithm. This is the only all-encompassing language agnostic answer I can find to a problem that's already supposed to be fully optimised. Also presuming you want to be architecture independent in your quest for speed.
So while the algorithm may be optimised, the implementation of it may not be. The identification allows you to know which part is which: algorithm or implementation. So whichever hogs the time the most is your prime candidate for review. But since you say you want to squeeze the last few % out, you might want to also examine the lesser parts, the parts that you have not examined that closely at first.
Lastly a bit of trial and error with performance figures on different ways to implement the same solution, or potentially different algorithms, can bring insights that help identify time wasters and time savers.
HPH, asoudmove.
Since many of the performance problems involve database issues, I'll give you some specific things to look at when tuning queries and stored procedures.
Avoid cursors in most databases. Avoid looping as well. Most of the time, data access should be set-based, not record by record processing. This includes not reusing a single record stored procedure when you want to insert 1,000,000 records at once.
Never use select *, only return the fields you actually need. This is especially true if there are any joins as the join fields will be repeated and thus cause unnecesary load on both the server and the network.
Avoid the use of correlated subqueries. Use joins (including joins to derived tables where possible) (I know this is true for Microsoft SQL Server, but test the advice when using a differnt backend).
Index, index, index. And get those stats updated if applicable to your database.
Make the query sargable. Meaning avoid things which make it impossible to use the indexes such as using a wildcard in the first character of a like clause or a function in the join or as the left part of a where statement.
Use correct data types. It is faster to do date math on a date field than to have to try to convert a string datatype to a date datatype, then do the calculation.
Never put a loop of any kind into a trigger!
Most databases have a way to check how the query execution will be done. In Microsoft SQL Server this is called an execution plan. Check those first to see where problem areas lie.
Consider how often the query runs as well as how long it takes to run when determining what needs to be optimized. Sometimes you can gain more perfomance from a slight tweak to a query that runs millions of times a day than you can from wiping time off a long_running query that only runs once a month.
Use some sort of profiler tool to find out what is really being sent to and from the database. I can remember one time in the past where we couldn't figure out why the page was so slow to load when the stored procedure was fast and found out through profiling that the webpage was asking for the query many many times instead of once.
The profiler will also help you to find who are blocking who. Some queries that execute quickly while running alone may become really slow due to locks from other queries.