I'm gonna release my app, it's a 1.2Mb apk that includes about 120 icons in 4 different formats (ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, x-hdpi).
If I add xx-dpi and xxx-hdpi icons the apk grows bigger and loading time increases.
There are many entry-level devices out there with really loooow memory and I'd like my app to run everywhere.
Do I really need to add xx-hdpi?
And is there a real device that requires xxx-hdpi?
Forget Everything & make it Simple !
Just store highest resolution images in only one folder. Either in drawable-hdpi, & delete other images from the rest drawable folders.
I have tested it in various devices & it works like a charm...
I don't know if there is a device that requires xxx-hdpi, but xx-hdpi is not yet used very often. But the same goes for ldpi, almost no device still requires ldpi. If you just do mdpi, hdpi and xhdpi, it will be just fine. If a device requires something bigger or smaller android just scales it to the right size.
Heres what Android says about this:
You can find the documentation here:
Hope this helps