I am trying to compile my python 3.5 file with the latest py2exe version with the following command:
py -3.5 -m py2exe.build_exe myscript.py
But it reports this:
"run-py3.5-win-amd64.exe" file is not found in the ...lib\site-packages\py2exe\ folder.
Does this mean that py2exe is only compatible up to python 3.4?
There is py2exe for python versions that can be downloaded at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/py2exe/
There are significant changes in Python 3.5 regarding the MSVCR dll dependency. py2exe supports Python 3.3 and 3.4 Article describing these changes - BUILDING EXTENSIONS FOR PYTHON 3.5
Unfortunately as of November 2016 there is still no Python 3.5 support in sight for py2exe. However, I've had great success using cx_Freeze 5.0 with Python 3.5 and since both projects use a very similar configuration I've migrated away from py2exe to cx_Freeze without much work. Binary Wheels of cx_Freeze 5.0 for Python 3.5 are now available officially on PyPi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cx_Freeze
Install pyinstaller through Command Prompt (Microsoft Windows) :
on windows to open Command Prompt with black screenpip install pyinstaller
cd c:\....
(the Folder where your file example.py is located)pyinstaller --onefile example.py
is readyI came here looking for a 3.5 exe generator. I've found that using "pyinstaller" version 3.2 works perfectly with python 35. I found the easiest way to use it is from the command window when on Windows. To make things a little easier you can create a command window from the directory your scripts are stored. Here's how: From the directory your scripts are saved you can launch a command window by holding 'Alt' + 'Shift' and clicking on the window. In the drop down menu you will see "Open Command Window Here". In that command window you will write 'pyinstaller --onefile script.py' where "script.py" is the name of the script you want to generate the .exe for. I hope this helps someone else as much as it helped me.