If I try to inflate a view within a fragment I am getting NULL.. For example:
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Here I will inflate my view using the layout ID & return.
return view;
Whenever a button is clicked I need to create a dynamic view e.g.: button & add to the LinearLayout. I would like to perform this operation inside my fragment class like this:
public void addPlaces() {
Button button = new Button(null);
button.setText("button name");
// e.g. like adding button to enter code here linear layout
So, if I get inflate LinearLayout inside onCreateView and use it in add class, I'm getting NULL. How to achieve?
Declare the variable as a instance variable and then initialize Linear Layout
Example: Modify the below according to your requirement.
Snap shot of my emulator
Edit :