I would love to configure Visual Studio/ReSharper to run "Code cleanup" whenever I save a file.
A bonus would be to configure this only for C# files, as I sometimes find that the cleanup on ASP.NET files does not work without introducing errors.
I would love to configure Visual Studio/ReSharper to run "Code cleanup" whenever I save a file.
A bonus would be to configure this only for C# files, as I sometimes find that the cleanup on ASP.NET files does not work without introducing errors.
You could record a macro(Ctrl+E, Ctrl+C,Run, Ctrl+S). Then run that instead of saving. Then all you need to do is assign CTRL+S to your macro.
This method will show the code clean-up dialogue box where you will have to select Run.
To remove the user interaction you will have to select a profile to run when Code Cleanup is invoked. You can configure this by going into ReSharper | Options | Tools | Code Cleanup and selecting the profile in "Profile to use with silent clean-up" drop down. Its also here where you can create a custom profile to specify what changes to your code to make. In 4.5 however it does not allow you to omit aspx pages. The only differentiator is C# and VB.Net.
Useful link: http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/features/code_formatting.html
I've created an extension to automatically invoke ReSharper Silent Cleanup on file save: https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/43be6ead-dabf-4bb1-b019-1e361efd8410
It only supports ReSharper silent cleanup, but it works.
I just published a free Visual Studio Extension that automates a similar script, for easier setup. You might want to give that a try at http://blog.pedropombeiro.com/keeping-code-formatted-the-easy-way/.
If you are on VS2012, and you can't use the macro solution, you could use AutoHotKey (or similar) to automate it, instead of using macros:
In AutoHotKey create a snippet that looks something like that:
It's my first post (hooray!) so excuse me if it's not perfect in any way...
Question is about R#, but you also mentioned (Visual Studio/ReSharper), so maybe my hint will help somebody. In Visual Studio extension called "Productivity Power Tools" there are two options for this (In Tools -> Options -> Productivity Power Tools -> PowerCommands: General):
I find PPT nice to have, even with R# installed. You can get them from Visual Studio Gallery (2012 version, but there are also 2010, and 2013 versions).
Maybe this will help someone else out in the future. I really liked the Macro idea so I adopted it. But this was not enough for me. I wanted to save all the unsaved open files at once and still get to enjoy the ReSharper cleanup function. So I came up with this Macro: