Given this stack trace snippet
Caused by: Software caused connection abort: socket write error
at Method)
I tried to answer the following questions:
- What code is throwing this exception? (JVM?/Tomcat?/My code?)
- What causes this exception to be thrown?
Regarding #1:
Sun's JVM source doesn't contain this exact message, but I think the text Software caused connection abort: socket write error is from the native implementation of SocketOutputStream
private native void socketWrite0(FileDescriptor fd, byte[] b, int off,
int len) throws IOException;
Regarding #2
My guess is that it is caused when the client has terminated the connection, before getting the full response (e.g. sent a request, but before getting the full response, it got closed / terminated / offline)
- Are the above assumptions correct (#1 and #2)?
- Can this be diffrentiated from the situation: "could not write to the client, due to a network error on the server side"? or would that render the same error message?
- And most important: Is there an official document (e.g from Sun) stating the above?
I need to have a proof that this stack trace is the socket client's "fault", and there is nothing that the server could have done to avoid it. (except catching the exception, or using a non Sun JVM SocketOutputStream, though both don't really avoid the fact the client has terminated)
For anyone using simple Client Server programms and getting this error, it is a problem of unclosed (or closed to early) Input or Output Streams.
In the situation explained below, client side will throw such an exception:
The server is asked to authenticate client certificate, but the client provides a certificate which Extended Key Usage doesn't support client auth, so the server doesn't accept the client's certificate, and then it closes the connection.
This error happened to me while testing my soap service with SoapUI client, basically I was trying to get a very big message (>500kb) and SoapUI closed the connection by timeout.
...and put a large value, such as 180000 (3 minutes), this won't be the perfect fix for your issue because the file is in fact to large, but at least you will have a response.
I was facing the same problem with wireMock while mocking the rest API calls. Earlier I was defining the server like this:
But it should be defined like as shown below:
Have you checked the Tomcat source code and the JVM source ? That may give you more help.
I think your general thinking is good. I would expect a
in the scenario that you couldn't connect. The above looks very like it's client-driven.To prove which component fails I would monitor the TCP/IP communication using wireshark and look who is actaully closing the port, also timeouts could be relevant.