How to page break after Specific rows (like 15 rows) in rdlc reporting.
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It's so easy.Suppose My reports looks like
Enable advance mode
Add a group for page break
Define the number of rows what do you want in the group expression(In this case i want 15 rows)
Delete group column if you not need
Delete Expression from Group details
Select Group Properties and set page break attribute breakLocation as End,Disables as false and RestPageNumber as fasle.
Select Group Details Properties and Set Disable=true
Now here's the report with page break after specific row
If You want to keep Table Header in every page than click here
Maybe you can use a rectangle with pagebreak, the rectangle is able to define a fixed heigth
What I did was create another property on your object called lineBreak or something. when loading the objects make sure every 25 has the same number and increment by 1. then in table put a group over the details, grouping on lineBreak. then add an extra line inside that group, then every 25th row should be a blank line.
You can add Row Group to your Tablix. Then in row group properties select Page Break section and set "Between each instance of a group".