I have a python background and is currently migrating to node.js. I have problem adjusting to node.js due to its asynchronous nature.
For example, I am trying to return a value from a MySQL function.
function getLastRecord(name)
var connection = getMySQL_connection();
var query_str =
"SELECT name, " +
"FROM records " +
"WHERE (name = ?) " +
"LIMIT 1 ";
var query_var = [name];
var query = connection.query(query_str, query_var, function (err, rows, fields) {
//if (err) throw err;
if (err) {
//throw err;
else {
return rows;
}); //var query = connection.query(query_str, function (err, rows, fields) {
var rows = getLastRecord('name_record');
After some reading up, I realize the above code cannot work and I need to return a promise due to node.js's asynchronous nature. I cannot write node.js code like python. How do I convert getLastRecord()
to return a promise and how do I handle the returned value?
In fact, what I want to do is something like this;
if (getLastRecord() > 20)
How can this be done in node.js in a readable way?
I would like to see how promises can be implemented in this case using bluebird.
You don't need to use promises, you can use a callback function, something like that: