I would like to learn how to build a web-based email client in PHP (similar to yahoo and gmail).
Does anyone know how I can get started with this?
I would like my system to be able to send and receive email.
I would like to learn how to build a web-based email client in PHP (similar to yahoo and gmail).
Does anyone know how I can get started with this?
I would like my system to be able to send and receive email.
Don't. There are already way too many: http://www.google.ro/search?q=opensource+email+client+php&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
Most obvious answer should be "great".
I agree. With the current so-called-most-sexy interface we're stuck with, it's clear we need something different. For those thinking I like to invent the wheel: I don't! I just installed a new website and I am very satisfied with the result. I basically used 1000s of hours of free developers' work and would hate to re-invent something which has been done before, 1000 times better. I would come up with a website 10% of what I would have right now and would have spend 10 times longer. The layout is great, the functionality is great. I have authentication, a face-book type of social network, private area for me and my family to store files, agenda, photo and video support, youtube integration, facebook integration, ... I will have more, I'll add games, etc. All pretty much for free (I did spent about 100 usd on the facebook-type-of-social network). How: joomla. Open source, loads of plugins. 100s of thousands of developer's work, designers work, testers, etc. I would never be able to do this myself, neither would I be able to pay for ever. But it's for free, so I didn't need to. And by the way: joomla is only one of many open source cms.
What I can't find is a proper web-based email client which is "sexy", and which integrates properly within the cms system. I found and bought a roundcube wrapper, to plug in into my wonderful website. But unfortunatly this very-old-looking-crap-email webclient is just not right. It's slow, the interaction is silly, you need to buy expensive templates to make it work with mobile devices. It just does't fit in. It looks old.
Joomla comes with a lot of free stuff, plugins, authentication, address books, multi language, templates, mobile devices support, ALL you need for a proper website. Just needs a bit of effort to glue it all together (no software development).
Now I will work on a plugin to interact with my mail server, then I have this done in no time.
Don't re-invent, but don't get depressed neither.