The facts:
- My company has developed an Android app.
- My company has NOT developed an iOS version to this app in anyway.
- I have created a Google Analytics account, opened a mobile app tracking ID, and connected it to my Android app using the SDK (this was not done by me, rather by our developer).
- Our app launched and has some users according to both our Google Analytic's account and the Google Play Developer Console account.
In the Google Analytics if I examine the operating systems of my users my operaiting split is:
- Android - 91.69%
- Macintosh - 8.05% (Macintosh 10.10)
- iOS - 0.26% (iOS 8.1.2)
How is this possible? We haven't developed for iOS.
This is so-called referral spam. I won't go into details here as there're lots of good sources on the net about the issue(e.g. this, this and this one).
I've handled this issue like this:
From now on Google will remove the spam hits from their analytics. This solution has two issues, though: