I'm trying to run Rails 3 beta 4 & Ruby 1.9.2rc on Ubuntu 10.04. It worked initially, but after doing my first bundle install/package, I now get the following errors in all rails projects. Even a basic 'rails new testproject' followed by a rake brings up the error messages.
In short, I'm stumped. Any help regarding what could be causing this would be very appreciated.
The only thing I noticed - which may or may not be relevant - is that the directory in the ~/.bundle files is ruby/1.9.1. 1.9.1 is not installed on my machine - only 1.9.2rc. ruby -v brings back 1.9.2
(in /home/john/Websites/sandbox/testerino)
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:32: warning: already initialized constant RAKEVERSION
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake/alt_system.rb:32: warning: already initialized constant WINDOWS
WARNING: Possible conflict with Rake extension: String#ext already exists
WARNING: Possible conflict with Rake extension: String#pathmap already exists
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:404: warning: already initialized constant EMPTY_TASK_ARGS
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:452: warning: already initialized constant EMPTY
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:960: warning: already initialized constant RUBY_EXT
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:964: warning: already initialized constant RUBY
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:1033: warning: already initialized constant LN_SUPPORTED
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:1242: warning: already initialized constant ARRAY_METHODS
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:1245: warning: already initialized constant MUST_DEFINE
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:1249: warning: already initialized constant MUST_NOT_DEFINE
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:1253: warning: already initialized constant SPECIAL_RETURN
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:1259: warning: already initialized constant DELEGATING_METHODS
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:1569: warning: already initialized constant DEFAULT_IGNORE_PATTERNS
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:1575: warning: already initialized constant DEFAULT_IGNORE_PROCS
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:1612: warning: already initialized constant FileList
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:1638: warning: already initialized constant EARLY
/home/john/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:1968: warning: already initialized constant DEFAULT_RAKEFILES
rake aborted!
stack level too deep
I've been running into this issue too after updating rubygem (1.8.10) and bundler (1.0.18)
I solved updating rake to 0.9.2
If you have RVM installed, this issue can start to occur once you update rubygems to 1.8.15. The issue was that I had rake installed in the global gemset and my project's gemset. The solution was to have only one installation of rake. To delete it from the project gemset: 1. cd to the project 2. gem uninstall rake
This can happen when you have the rake gem installed in both your repo's rvm gemset and the global one.
bundle exec bash
works for meAnother possible solution is given at http://rubyist-journal.com/2011/07/29/howto-fix-rake-0-9-2-to-work-with-ruby-1-9-2-under-rvm/
It seems to boil down to having the same rake gem installed both in your user gem directory and system-wide. Removing either one fixes the issue.
I was able to solve this issue by downgrading my rubygem install from 1.8.10 to 1.7.2.