I'm looking to remove duplicate CSS declarations from a number of files to make implementing changes easier. Is there a tool that can help me do that?
Right now I'm faced with something like this:
#content {
background: green;
#content {
background: blue;
And I want this:
#content {
background: green;
#content {
background: blue;
The total number of lines across all files is well over 10k, so techniques that rely on manual editing aren't an option.
You can use W3C CSS validator to remove the duplicates of the properties. Upload the css file by clicking By file upload and click on check, then go to warnings part where you can see the duplicate properties repeated. Then you can remove your duplications by going to specific line in the file.
URL :http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/#validate_by_upload
I made a nodejs tool to help with this, it currently handles single files but lemme know if it helps or of any improvements, feel free to fork it and take it to another level too :)
Probably the closest thing to what you're looking for is a css preprocessor and css imports. I like LESS: http://lesscss.org/
I would do something like
EDIT: I sort of overlooked that you don't even need LESS at all, or the height and width in styles.game.css
It would just look like
helped me to clean up selectors - CSS usage - Firebug extension to view which CSS rules are actually used.
This system claim to do that: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cssmerge/?source=dlp
But I couldn't make it work, though.
So here it goes some tools to compare the CSS files. It is not as fast as an automatic solution, but would make it faster than going by visual comparison alone.
I wrote a tool specifically for this purpose called csscss. As a bonus it also integrates with Sass and LESS. Give it a shot and let me know if you have an issues in github.