So I have a large UIButton
, it is a UIButtonTypeCustom
, and the button target is called for UIControlEventTouchUpInside
. My question is how can I determine where in the UIButton
the touch occured. I want this info so I can display a popup from the touch location. Here is what I've tried:
UITouch *theTouch = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint where = [theTouch locationInView:self];
NSLog(@" touch at (%3.2f, %3.2f)", where.x, where.y);
and various other iterations. The button's target method get info from it via the sender
UIButton *button = sender;
So is there any way I could use something like: button.touchUpLocation
I looked online and couldn't find anything similar to this so thanks in advance.
For Swift 3.0:
That's the right idea, except that this code is probably inside an action in your view controller, right? If so, then
refers to the view controller and not the button. You should be passing a pointer to the button into-locationInView:
.Here's a tested action that you can try in your view controller: