I recently reinstalled OSX. It has been a pain rounding up all of my certificates, etc, but I finally am back. However, when trying to install an app on either of two iPhones 3G's I have, they both say:
Software version: 4.2.1 (8C148) | XCode cannot find the software image to install this version. | Could not support development.
What is going on? Both iPhones list themselves as up to date in iTunes, and iOS developer's center only lists 4.2 as the available SDK.
EDIT: I do have a paid membership, and I have recently had test apps installed on both of these devices.
UPDATE: I removed all 3 ( the 2 included ) of my devices from the provisioning portal, and deleted them from the organizer, closed XCode, detached device, restarted, plugged in device, no luck.
Try freeing up memory by closing down unnecessary open apps. I tried restarting XCode and shutting down iTunes but still had the problem. Then I noticed I was running low on memory on my 4GB MacBook White. I closed down all non-essential apps and when I was done the green light had lit up beside my iPad3 and I could run my app on it.
For me the combination of Google Chrome with lots of tabs open and XCode often is enough to use up all my available RAM; where 4 Gigs used to be plenty of memory for iOS development, with XCode 4.2 it's feeling a bit cramped.
I just got this error with Xcode 4.0.2 and an iPhone 3G running 4.2.1 (the final 4.x allowed on a 3G). I restarted Xcode and it went through the process of collecting debug information, then gave me a green light. Other answers here say that you may also need to quit iTunes for this to work.
Conclusion: Try restarting Xcode. Quit iTunes first if it was open.
This one worked for me just now (power cycle the iOS device)
I just had this happen as well. None of the above solutions seemed to work. In the end, it turned out to be a faulty iPhone charge cable. So check that too if you see this message!
I had the same problem with IOS 5.0.1 and Xcode 4.2. I restarted Xcode as other suggested. However, I also needed to close iTunes which had started automatically and eject my iPhone from iTunes. Then, restart Xcode and it worked fine.
Happened to me when I changed the name of my phone from "mark X's phone" to a more anonymous name. Removed profile, reconnected phone, worked automatically from there.