I am trying to build a simple Java project with Maven. In my pom-file I declare JUnit 4.8.2 as the only dependency. Still Maven insists on using JUnit version 3.8.1. How do I fix it?
The problem manifests itself in a compilation failure: "package org.junit does not exist". This is because of the import statement in my source code. The correct package name in JUnit 4.* is org.junit.* while in version 3.* it is junit.framework.*
I think I have found documentation on the root of the problem on http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-surefire-plugin/examples/junit.html but the advice there seems to be meant for Maven experts. I did not understand what to do.
Add this dependency to your
I had a quite similar problem in a "test-utils" project (adding features, rules and assertions to JUnit) child of a parent project injecting dependencies. The class depending on the org.junit.rules package was in src/main/java.
So I added a dependency on junit without test scope and it solved the problem :
pom.xml of the test-util project :
pom.xml of the parent project :
Find the one solution for this error if you have code in src/main/java Utils
By default , maven looks at these folders for java and test classes respectively - src/main/java and src/test/java
When the src is specified with the test classes under source and the scope for junit dependency in pom.xml is mentioned as test - org.unit will not be found by maven.