Most of you guys may know the pebble watch, this watch receives push notifictions of you phone.
They are capable of receiving some notifications.
- Incoming Caller ID
- Email (Gmail or any IMAP email account)
- SMS on both Android and iPhones
- iMessage (iOS only)
- Calendar Alerts
- Facebook Messages
- Weather Alerts
- Silent vibrating alarm and timer
How can I do the same? Maybe they wrote some notifications their self using the facebook api or somthing like that. But how to do this with sms and calls?
What notifications are you able to catch?
Pebble uses Bluetooth to communicate with smartphone.Please find the answers for iPhone(iOS6) and relevant links.
You have to use PBAP to show the callerID on the bluetooth device and the device has to be MFi to communicate with iPhone app.
Following code can be used to vibrate iPhone
Add AudioToolbox frame work import AudioServices.h
Try to check out feature Apple Notification Center Service (ANCS)
It uses Bluetooth and talks through that to access all that data. It does not do anything fancy. However, all of that data is coming from the OS, not from applications on the device.
To answer your question - there is no way to get all of these notifications in your own app. You can use the CoreTelephony to access some of the data related to incoming calls and you could integrate Facebook and Twitter APIs to get that data, but you really would have to do it all yourself. There's no silver bullet here unfortunately!