I'm wondering how
<input type="text" x-webkit-speech speech />
Is there a speech recognition enging built into Chrome or is it accessing an underlying speech recognition facility in the operating system?
I'm wondering how
<input type="text" x-webkit-speech speech />
Is there a speech recognition enging built into Chrome or is it accessing an underlying speech recognition facility in the operating system?
I just confirmed this on my Chrome Cr-48, it works.
There is also a working group that produced http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml+voice/ but I don't believe this is implemented in any browser except Opera.
They are using their own API for speech recognition. Ex: sending a post request to there servers.
Speech recognition is a proposal by Google. https://docs.google.com/View?id=dcfg79pz_5dhnp23f5
The feature ships with Chrome 8+ and it looks like it sends the data to google servers to perform the actual recognition.
This feature now works on chrome 11 beta.
check this out..
This might be of interest https://github.com/taf2/speech2text ruby bindings for the google speech to text API