When we show an AlertDialog in android it shows in the center of the screen. Is there any way to change the position?
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To make the setting come info effect, I added the following code
after change the value of wmlp in gypsicoder‘s answer, or the setting of wmlp doesn't take into effect by my test.
If you for example want to move the progressdialog a bit further down, and not set the exakt pixel position, then this is sufficient:
After searching in various post I have found the solution.
The code is posted below:
Here x position's value is pixels from left to right. For y position value is from bottom to top.
These answers will move the position of the AlertDialog, however, the position of the displayed dialog will also include the padding around the dialog.
If you want to get rid of this padding (for example, to place your dialog flush against the bottom of the screen), you will also need to override the default AlertDialog style in your styles.xml to set the windowBackground to null, like so:
As well as setting the Window.LayoutParameters as described in the accepted answer.
Special shout-out to @David Caunt whose answer at: remove border, padding from Dialog completed this picture.