Tried to install a gem on Mountain Lion and make couldn't find gcc-4.2:
kamil$ gem install posix-spawn -v '0.3.6'
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing posix-spawn:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
/Users/kamil/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p0/bin/ruby extconf.rb
creating Makefile
compiling posix-spawn.c
make: gcc-4.2: No such file or directory
make: *** [posix-spawn.o] Error 1
If you have Xcode installed, gcc should be available. Check where it is with:
Then make a user-land symbolic link from gcc-4.2 to plain gcc:
(Ensure the user-land bind folder is in your path via
export PATH=...:$HOME/bin
in your.bash_profile
.)Gem installed fine afterwards.
As @Artur Bodera mentioned modern OSX will refuse to let you create the symlink in the systems /bin folder.
To avoid this simply create the symlink to your users bin folder
Don't forget to add the bin folder to your .zshrc or .bash_profile - e.g.
Install simply apple-gcc42 with brew. It generate gcc-4.2 .
So we do not need symlinks, which apple update may remove.