What's the "best" way to convert a number to a string (in terms of speed advantage, clarity advantage, memory advantage, etc) ?
Some examples:
What's the "best" way to convert a number to a string (in terms of speed advantage, clarity advantage, memory advantage, etc) ?
Some examples:
like this:
Actually, even though I typically do it like this for simple convenience, over 1,000s of iterations it appears for raw speed there is an advantage for
See Performance tests here (not by me, but found when I went to write my own): http://jsben.ch/#/ghQYR
Fastest based on the JSPerf test above:
str = num.toString();
It should be noted that the difference in speed is not overly significant when you consider that it can do the conversion any way 1 Million times in 0.1 seconds.
Update: The speed seems to differ greatly by browser. In Chrome
num + ''
seems to be fastest based on this test http://jsben.ch/#/ghQYRUpdate 2: Again based on my test above it should be noted that Firefox 20.0.1 executes the
about 100 times slower than the'' + num
sample.Just come across this recently, method 3 and 4 are not appropriate because how the strings are copied and then put together. For a small program this problem is insignificant, but for any real web application this action where we have to deal with frequency string manipulations can affects the performance and readability.
Here is the link the read.