I have a array (dataArray) of NSDictionary "item". It has datas like "david" for key "name" and "85" for key "marks" etc for 5 students. I want to replace the mark of david to 90 with respect to the array index value (ie 0 for dictionary containing david and 85). How can I do it?
The code for content in array is
[item setobject:name forkey:@"Name"];
[item setobject:mark forkey:@"Marks"];
[dataArray addOject:item]
The above code goes inside parsing, so i have array with 5 objects (students), their name and marks, now I want to replace the mark of the first object in the dataArray.
Here's what you can do:
Hope this helps!
I hope it helps
If you want to update an object in a NSDictionary you should use NSMutableDictionary instead. NSMutableDictionary has the following EXTRA methods
Adding Entries
Removing Entries
You first need an NSMutableDictionary with it you can change the key and value.
It would be like this: