Depends on the technology you use.
Usually its called name value pair. Query string refers to the whole string after ? sign. Then depending on technology used that query string is parsed and normally appears as the dictionary.
For example,
Request["foo"] yields "bar"
Request["foo1"] yields "bar1" for asp
or $_GET["foo"] -> "bar" for php and so on.
It's called "query string" as you can see in wikipedia.
The query.
Depends on the technology you use. Usually its called name value pair. Query string refers to the whole string after ? sign. Then depending on technology used that query string is parsed and normally appears as the dictionary. For example, Request["foo"] yields "bar" Request["foo1"] yields "bar1" for asp or $_GET["foo"] -> "bar" for php and so on.
Its the query, or sometimes the query string.
To pinch a useful diagram from the URI RFC:
The 'foo' only is called String Parameters of the URL Query